Y Gro – Sri Lanka

In July 2021, with the support of Partners in Aid, Y Gro began a one-year dairy intervention project in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. The primary project goal was to help war widows and female-headed households in the north and east of Sri Lanka to achieve a sustainable income through sustainable dairy farm initiatives. This was a goal that was seen to be one that would contribute to Y Gro’s broader goal of making Sri Lanka self-sufficient in milk production, as well as contributing to the long-term goal of ending the cycle of poverty in Sri Lanka.

Matatagu Tako Losan - Long Live Everyone!

Sinangpad Healthy Village Project – the Philippines

In the Philippines, the Sinangpad Healthy Village Project helps enable poor, remote communities to make the most of their human potential, capabilities and resources by promoting behavioural changes intended to reduce the incidence of environment-related food, water-borne and vector-borne diseases, especially those affecting infants. It involves in-village training, followed by helping the community with participative action planning and providing small grants to enable the purchase of materials residents need to construct small-scale health-related infrastructure, such as sanitary toilets and pig pens. Ongoing mentoring and monitoring is thereafter provided to participating communities.

ABWU - India

ABWU – India

The All Bengal Women’s Union (ABWU) home in Calcutta has been operating for over 70 years and supported by Partners in Aid for more than 40 years. It is an NGO run entirely by volunteer women to rescue abused, at risk, destitute, abandoned and orphaned girls. Many need intensive therapy and rehabilitation in order to be able to begin the process of healing and leading ‘normal’ lives.

SEDS - India

SEDS – India

We work with the Social Education and Development Society (SEDS) in India to educate communities and help protect natural resources with water management and reforestation programs. Partners in Aid commenced a Child Sponsorship program in conjunction with SEDS in southern India in 1995. Many of the local children were disadvantaged with no access to education.