How to help

A donation to Partners in Aid supports community health, wellbeing and sustainable livelihood projects in India, Sri Lanka and the Philippines. From building toilets to supporting children to attend school, projects are developed in conjunction with our local partners in each country. Partners work directly with the local communities to identify the types of health and wellbeing support they need and how best to make it a reality.

Partners in Aid Board members have over 100 years of collective experience in international humanitarian, environment and sustainability projects. Each in-country partner that we work with is well-established. Partners pass through a rigorous assessment process to ensure projects have good governance, are sustainable and responsibly-managed and to ensure they respond to the communities they serve.

Because Partners in Aid is managed by professionals who volunteer their time, our overheads are very low. This means nearly all the money donated goes directly to our community projects.


All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

You can donate through our funding campaigns page at Mycause. Making a general donation gives the Board of Partners in Aid the greatest flexibility in using your contribution. Please contact us if you would like to find out more.

Social Education & Development Society (SEDS)

Our main project with our partner, SEDS, aims to increase food security through supporting sustainable agriculture and aquaculture.




Sinangpad Healthy Village Project

The goal of the project in Kalinga, Philippines is to improve health in remote villages. Providing training and support enables villagers to make significant improvements in their own environmental sanitation.



How to donate

  • Online – You can make a one-off or regular tax-deductible donation through one of our secure online giving platforms, Mycause or GiveNow.
  • Direct Bank Transfer – Please email us to arrange a direct bank transfer and confirm whether you would like your donation to go to a specific project or be used as a general donation.
  • Cheque – Cheques can be made out to Partners in Aid, and posted to PO Box 42, Narre Warren LPO, VIC 3805.
    Don’t forget to enclose your full name, return email and/or address and confirm whether you would like your donation to go to a specific project or as a general donation.

Specific or general donations?

We are working hard to add online functionality to allow supporters to donate to a specific project sponsored by Partners in Aid. In the meantime, this is best done by bank transfer or cheque. Please include a note with the cheque, a reference note with your bank transfer or follow-up with an email indicating the project where you would like your donations directed. General donations can be referenced as “General”.


Become a member of Partners in Aid for $25 per year and receive our twice-yearly newsletter to keep up to date with our projects. To become a member please contact us.


A legacy gift in your will, no matter what size, will make a significant difference to the work of Partners in Aid. You can bequest cash, a percentage of your estate or a residuary gift.

All bequests are welcome and there are no fees. We use bequests to assist with the continual development and improvements of all our programs. We recommend that you seek professional advice from your legal or financial adviser in planning a bequest.

For more information or a confidential conversation please contact us or call Cecily on 03 9682 3992.

Goodwill Wine

You can also enjoy quality wine and support Partners in Aid projects at the same time. For every case of wine sold, half of the proceeds goes directly to Partners in Aid. You can order individual bottles or corporate and personal gift packs. Order your wines or buy gift vouchers from Goodwill Wines and support Partners in Aid.


If you would like to hold a community fundraising event for Partners in Aid, such as a morning tea, trivia night or sponsored dinner, we’d be delighted to hear from you. Let us know and we can help promote it via our newsletter and social media.

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